David Rossi: «Classic cannibalism»? Lovely job we have.
Garcia: Password was Cullen.
JJ: Of course.
Reid: Colan?

JJ: Cullen, the vampire family from Twilight.

Reid: What’s Twilight?

JJ: Do you ever read anything other than technical books?

Reid: Not much in English.

Emily: Are you okay?
JJ: Yeah, doctor said it'll be sore for a while, but... I'm fine, really.
Reid: (hands her a blanket) I feel so bad I didn't go with you to interview Gina.
JJ: Spence, stop, alright? We had no way of knowing that she was gonna be dangerous. She was just the friend of a victim. Granted, a schizophrenic friend with a sociopathic partner.
Emily: And a shovel.
Prentiss: It never ceases to amaze me how dark an obsession can get.
Rossi: And with a pop star? I mean, I was obsessed with the Rat Pack, but I wouldn't have killed for Frank or Dean!
Hotch: No, you just drank whisky and smoked cigars.
Rossi: Oh, and this coming from the man whose favourite record is the Beatles' "White Album".
Hotch: ...just because Manson hijacked it doesn't have to ruin it for the rest of us.
Reid: That's why I stick to Beethoven. There's no chance of guilt by association. *nods proudly*