Серия, где я забыла про Рида...
Тедди! Тед из побега, который Роберт Неппер! Доооолго я втыкала, гадая, он или нет...
Что примечательно, опять играет маньяка XD
6x8 Reflection of Desire
Garcia: Reid what is it?
Reid: They cut off her lips.
Garcia: What? Why?
Rossi: Maybe a trophy?
Reid [eating]: Or maybe he ate them...
Reid: You’re here to target a woman but you don’t want to attract attention.
Hotch: Well, standing in the middle gawking at passing women is going to attract attention. Like you’re doing now.
Reid: [snaps out of trance] What’s that?
Prentiss: And just like that, an IQ of 187 is slashed to 60.